43 research outputs found

    Long-time nonlinear dynamical evolution for P-band ultracold atoms in an optical lattice

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    We report the long-time nonlinear dynamical evolution of ultracold atomic gases in the P-band of an optical lattice. A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is fast and efficiently loaded into the Pband at zero quasi-momentum with a non-adiabatic shortcut method. For the first one and half milliseconds, these momentum states undergo oscillations due to coherent superposition of different bands, which are followed by oscillations up to 60ms of a much longer period. Our analysis shows the dephasing from the nonlinear interaction is very conducive to the long-period oscillations induced by the variable force due to the harmonic confinement.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    GCN-RL Circuit Designer: Transferable Transistor Sizing with Graph Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning

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    Automatic transistor sizing is a challenging problem in circuit design due to the large design space, complex performance trade-offs, and fast technological advancements. Although there has been plenty of work on transistor sizing targeting on one circuit, limited research has been done on transferring the knowledge from one circuit to another to reduce the re-design overhead. In this paper, we present GCN-RL Circuit Designer, leveraging reinforcement learning (RL) to transfer the knowledge between different technology nodes and topologies. Moreover, inspired by the simple fact that circuit is a graph, we learn on the circuit topology representation with graph convolutional neural networks (GCN). The GCN-RL agent extracts features of the topology graph whose vertices are transistors, edges are wires. Our learning-based optimization consistently achieves the highest Figures of Merit (FoM) on four different circuits compared with conventional black-box optimization methods (Bayesian Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms), random search, and human expert designs. Experiments on transfer learning between five technology nodes and two circuit topologies demonstrate that RL with transfer learning can achieve much higher FoMs than methods without knowledge transfer. Our transferable optimization method makes transistor sizing and design porting more effective and efficient.Comment: Accepted to the 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2020); 6 pages, 8 figure

    Interactive Generalized Additive Model and Its Applications in Electric Load Forecasting

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    Electric load forecasting is an indispensable component of electric power system planning and management. Inaccurate load forecasting may lead to the threat of outages or a waste of energy. Accurate electric load forecasting is challenging when there is limited data or even no data, such as load forecasting in holiday, or under extreme weather conditions. As high-stakes decision-making usually follows after load forecasting, model interpretability is crucial for the adoption of forecasting models. In this paper, we propose an interactive GAM which is not only interpretable but also can incorporate specific domain knowledge in electric power industry for improved performance. This boosting-based GAM leverages piecewise linear functions and can be learned through our efficient algorithm. In both public benchmark and electricity datasets, our interactive GAM outperforms current state-of-the-art methods and demonstrates good generalization ability in the cases of extreme weather events. We launched a user-friendly web-based tool based on interactive GAM and already incorporated it into our eForecaster product, a unified AI platform for electricity forecasting